Product Inquiry

Request for Product Information and/or Quotation


Please complete the below product inquiry form by selecting all the categories and products that you wish to inquire about and/or receive a quotation for.

As every project is unique we will make contact with you for further details, where necessary, so that we may provide the best product/service fit for your requirements and project.

    Type of Project:
    (Please indicate the type of project
    for which the products are required)

    New BuildRenovationRepairUpdate from old system

    I am interested in the following products for my project:
    (Select all categories that you are interested in)

    Heat PumpsVentilation SystemsHeating and Cooling SystemsChimney SystemsFireplacesSmart-Home / Building Automation SystemsLaundry Chutes

    Heat Pumps:
    Select desired model -

    Ventilation Systems:
    Select desired system type-

    Heating and Cooling Systems:
    Select desired system type-

    Chimney Systems
    Select the chimney system range(s) that you are interested in and then select the specific model(s) from the list(s) that appear.

    EW - Single Wall Systems:

    DW - Double Wall Systems:

    Concentric Systems:


    Inserts and Duct Modules:



    Select the Fireplace range(s) that you are interested in and then select the specific model(s) from the list(s) that appear.

    Manufactured by: ADF

    Inserts/In Wall Series -
    Free-Standing Series -
    Fireplace with Boiler Series -


    Inserts/In Wall Series -

    Free-Standing Series -

    Fireplace with Boiler Series -


    Inserts/In Wall Series - EcoDesign:

    Free-Standing Series - Contemporary - Ecodesign:

    Free-Standing Series - Classic - Ecodesign:

    Fireplace with Oven - Ecodesign:


    Inserts/In Wall Series -

    Free-Standing Series -

    Wall-Hanging Series -


    Fields marked with * must be filled in

