Building Ventilation Systems
Building Ventilation Systems
There are many reasons for a Pluggit Decentral Room Ventilation System with Heat Recovery
Regardless of whether it is a matter of refurbishment measures or new buildings, of individual flats or an entire apartment building – with its room ventilation systems with heat recovery, Pluggit always offers the right solution. Thus, used air and mould don’t have the ghost of a chance.
Pluggit room ventilation systems with heat recovery ensure that humid used air is constantly replaced by fresh air in a reliable manner. The growth of mould is thus prevented on a permanent basis as well as an imminent depreciation of the property.
The Decentral Room Ventilation System Pluggit iconVent.
With the decentralised ventilation system Pluggit iconVent PLUGGIT completes its offer of fan-based room ventilation systems with heat recovery and thus emphasizes again its claim to technology leadership in the area of room ventilation with heat recovery.
Pluggit iconVent ventilation systems realise with single-room fans the required air exchange for all utilisation units, from a one-family house to a flat. Not only in a new building but also in renovated houses. The simultaneous supply and exhaust air operation with changing direction optimises the heat recovery level. Even at parallel use of exhaust air fans in windowless bathrooms or toilets according to DIN 18017 as well as kitchens the Pluggit iconVent system automatically provides a permanently compensated balance between supply air and exhaust air by means of an intelligent control in the complete utilisation.
The high-performance system Pluggit iconVent Duo for one-family houses and larger residential units is completed by the system Pluggit iconVent Mono for lower volume flow requirements.
Pluggit iconVent -- Intelligent - Efficient - Flexible
Installation Level in the Wall.
Intelligently Controlled – for Balanced Supply and Exhaust Volume Flows
With its intelligently interconnected control the Pluggit iconVent technology compensates, for example, the exhaust air surplus for the operation of an exhaust air fan in an interior bathroom (DIN 18017) by means of a time-limited increase of its supply air performance.
Pluggit iconVent – The Compact Product Range for each Construction Phase
The assembly of the single-room ventilation system Pluggit iconVent extends to the construction phases of the building shell installation and fine installation, which frequently can be wide apart in terms of time. For this reason, the respective individual components can be ordered corresponding to the construction progress.
Pluggit iconVent Product Range “building shell”
The Pluggit iconVent installation stone is directly integrated in the exterior masonry, whereas the round installation sleeve suits in a 200 mm strong, horizontal core drilling. Both elements have a laterally preconfigured coupling to produce the system type Duo. Until the fine installation the openings are closed with blind covers.
Pluggit iconVent Product Range “fine installation”
For the fine installation the pre-assembled functional units re-integrated in the openings of the installation stones or sleeves. The outer hood or inside panel close the Pluggit single-room fan iconVent to the outside and inside. Particularly attractive for a timelessly elegant inside effect is the iconVent inside panel design, the glass surface of which integrates in each interior style.
Please contact us for more information or obligation free quote on this product.
is the System Partner for Pluggit GmbH in the Ukraine.